Sam Hardman Are you ever tempted to think that joy in the heart of a Christian just happens naturally, and that it grows inevitably as the years go on? Or have you come to see that the Christian’s joy is something that must be continually and consciously sought and pursued and fought for and won? …

Feed Your JoyRead More »

Sam Hardman With a title like that, this post could go a number of different directions, the most obvious of which would have something to do with the virtue of humility. But my subject is rather different from that, and I want to engage you just long enough to plant the seed of a thought …

Get SmallRead More »

Sam Hardman If you’re interested in a film that brings deep spiritual issues into sharp relief, Terrence Malik’s A Hidden Life is a worthy choice. My wife and I watched it last week with friends who had recommended it, and I have been rolling its themes around in my mind every since. I am no film critic, …

A Hidden LifeRead More »

Sam Hardman “Divide and conquer” is a strategy as old as war itself, although the pithy phrasing “Divide et impera,” is usually attributed to Julius Caesar. He not only coined the phrase, but also applied the strategy with notorious success in his conquest of Gaul 2,200 years ago. Why is this relevant now? Here’s why: …

Enemy Strategy – and How the Church Must RespondRead More »