A Bit of True Religion

Sam Hardman

Imagine this: You are responsible for 350 children in Nigeria, all of whom have either been orphaned or are from impoverished families. You have built an orphanage to house and educate these children. You have also purchased seventeen acres of land to raise crops to feed them and to produce cash to help cover ongoing expenses. But hostile and dangerous groups regularly invade land like yours with their cattle herds and claim it as their own, sometimes violently – and such groups are active in your area. What would you do? First pray for God’s protection! And then build a security fence.

Now stop imagining. Because this is no bit of fiction. This is precisely what’s happening right now to Rishama International and their school and orphanage in Nigeria (https://www.rishama.org). But putting up 3,500 linear feet of fence is not cheap, even using local products and labor – the equivalent of $8,000 U.S. dollars – too much for an organization that has to struggle, in faith, to meet every day expenses for their growing orphan population.

That’s where Mission Projects Fellowship (MPF) comes in. MPF works with missions partners all over the world to provide project-based funding in support of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). We’ve received a commitment from a donor to provide matching funds up to half of the total projected cost, or $4,000, of the fence that Rishama desperately needs to protect their land. We are now looking for the people whom the Lord will prompt to help us care and provide for these children by committing to give toward the remaining goal of $4,000. Might you be one? You can give to this project by visiting us at https://missionprojects.org.

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